Kiss Me!
What's going on people thanks for stopping by..

Hey what's good people? Well what can I say this is my first web page although I continue to update it as much as possable. My news I got a tongue ring done at the weirs in Laconia on bike weekend about 4 yrs ago and still love it. Those who ask does it hurt I say no it didn't hurt. All it felt like was running your tongue over the top of your teeth. Don't bather with chewing on your tongue cause it really don't feel like that. All you got after that is a chewed tounge. Sorry I don't mean to bust your bubble. Also I am 23 and love to play all sports #1 football. I am have currently graduated from Kingswood Highschool 1999 baby!!!. I went to college at McIntosh in Dover, NH for criminal justice to become a cop good thing spelling doesn't count huh? hehehe. Then eventually I want to move on to go into the DEA which should be exciting which will be for another 3 yrs I just Graduated in 2002 yippee. Well I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and I am about 6'2". I love the outdoors and meeting new people and going to a party every now and then. Now it is going to be less then before. New UPDATE Since mid August of 2002 I have met a new women Named Doria. Things are really looking up between us, after meeting three times and being with each other for weeks on end we have decided it was time for more. So from Colebrook she moves down with me in New Durham. As we are looking for a house to call our own. Things are even getting a little more brighter, We are engaged as of the morning of Dec 25 2002 and I know as everyone says TLC u are a lucky guy I have only heard that a thousand times trust me on this..

I guess in school I was considerd a jock,hick and a homie for many reasons. I love to play all sports mainly football that is the jock. I love to work on cars and make them go faster and look better that is the hick. I wear baggy cloths but nothing huge and I listen to rap a lot there is the homie.. I love all music you name it I listen to it. Ohhh and by the way Disturbed is an awesome concert I highly recamend to go see them Doria Don't have the same view on it then I though LOL I guess the mash pit wasn't for her LOL. Ohhh and I have to say the picture below is a picture of me and my girl Doria.

So u wanna know how to contact me well here is the deal. I no longer have AOL instant messenger and I don't have ICQ anymore. There is one way to get a hold of me I am on Yahoo messenger with my fiance as TLC_n_babygirl and The_Man_TLC_22 feel free to add us and talk to us just let us know u went to my page. you can reach me by writiing me here this is my E- Mail and I promise I will write back if you write me.

I love the snow although I was thought to be dead in a car accident I had when I was 17. I was driving a '92 Hundye Elantra, when I guess I hit black ice. I don't remmeber about 2 months about my life. I guess what happened was I spun and while I was spinning a Jeep Cherokee came around the corner and hit me which sent me spinning into a cliff, were I slammed into the passenger side of the car folding my seat in half. While doing that I broke my collarbone and all the right side of my ribs, puncturing my lung. The cops thought it was a fatality when they walked up to the car. I guess I got out on Thanksgiving of 1997 and a word of advice don't eat Thanksgiving dinner in the hospital, it is not made out as good as people say, it is worse. *hehe* But the accident was ruled not my fault, for I guess the roads were not plowed in a certain number of hrs, there for the state was in fear I was going to sue which never happened.

What Makes You Sexy? by Travis
Sexy Body Part IsYour Knees
Special Talents AreKissing
Quiz created with MemeGen!
Well what else is there to know about me? I got 1 cat named gizmo and and a dog named angel she is my Rottweiler whome my wounderfull ex TRYED to take away and bring her to her b/f's, LOL like thay's gonna happen like a cold day in hell. I love the NFL, my fav team is the Dallas Cowboys and my favorite color is blue. Oh and my step father is a tattoo artist. So if you are intereasted and you like what you see please write and I will get back to you thanks for stopping by C-Ya..

Have you seen my Snake?
Have you seen my Snake?
My girl and I

Piss on Ford

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This is Where I live!
Where I had my senior prom
My really good friend Jenny's page
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